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A Turkish home appliance manufacturing company encompasses 1.300.000 m2 of indoor space out of a total area of 970.000 m2 in Manisa/Turkey, is one of the largest industrial production complexes in Europe that produces in a single location. The generation itself has an export capacity to more than 160 countries globally, with 20000 employees, over 900 partners and 35.000.000 production capacities per year.
We are seeking partners for a collaborative project under the Eureka, ERA.NET, and Horizon Europe programs, focused on developing an innovative household refrigerator. It is aimed to develop a sensor algorithm that detects odours by monitoring the food spoilage process and air quality in the refrigerator and to integrate the smart odour sensor algorithms created with the developed temperature/humidity/gas sensors into the refrigerator, thus reducing bad odours and providing stable air quality with the air purification module in the refrigerator.
Our partner is expected to conduct preliminary tests with gases with the sensor to create databases for odour testing, then conduct tests with foods and create a database to train the sensor. According to the database created, a working algorithm for the smart air purification system will be developed with changes in the environment. Then, the sensor will be integrated into the refrigerator and air purification system.
They are looking for partners for a joint project for a consortium to be established to determine certain standards by training sensors at various concentrations for organic volatile gases (Ethylene, methyl mercaptan, ammonia, sulfuric compounds, and trimethylamine etc.) formed by food spoilage in the refrigerator, and to create a comprehensive database according to the spoilage of foods.
They are looking for collaborators with expertise in:
- sensor database development,
- sensor integration,
- data analysis and
- combined gas testing with foods.
Codice di riferimento della ricerca partner: RDRTR20240912018
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